Day -1: Planning for Day 1

Thursday, December 31, 2015 4 Comments A+ a-

Blueprint for a Big Year...

The weather her to day is just--well something.  There is sun, blue sky, some clouds, and it's sitting somewhere between 65-75° Fahrenheit.  I don't have built in temp gauges on me so I can't say exactly what the temperature is.  I am inside as well; no idea what it's like outside, it could be anywhere between 10° and 80° I suppose... Oh well, that's not important.

Today is the last day of 2015 and I am busy trying to get the word out about my big year. I had been thinking about it for a few weeks, but didn't make the decision till the middle of the night a few days ago. So literally no on knows about my quest!  Simultaneously, I am trying to plan tomorrows New Year Birding, because without birding there is no Big Year!

There are  a handful of good birds in my neck of the woods right now.  Besides the regular Mallards, the everyday European Starlings, and the what seems like over abundance of overwintering Pink-smooshed Sweepers, there are some really good state birds present at the moment.  A quick look through the eBird alerts for my state and I count no less than 10 great state birds for the year.  Of those 10 there are 4 I didn't get on my previous Big Year, which is a good sign.

There is just 1 bird I think I have to get tomorrow and its a vagrant Motley Whistlebird just a few miles from home. Aside from the whistlebird there are another 3-4 rarities I might try to track down in the first full day of the year.  I plan to spend a good chunk of the day in the field, checking river, lakes, wetlands, fields, forest edges, a couple feeders, and maybe even a state park or two.  A big day one might mean 50-100 species of birds right out the gates.  That means a lot of naming conventions to come up with and being ever so clever as to not give up my location.

As for right now, time to go bid farewell to this glorious year. As for birding, well check back tomorrow night and see how things went...


Next Day

Previous Day

I'm on a mission to see as many birds as I can in 2016... within the borders of my home state. The only catch is I'm not telling anyone that I'm doing a Big Year...


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December 31, 2015 at 3:08 PM delete

Okay, well this should be kind of interesting. Good luck.

January 8, 2016 at 6:24 AM delete

Motley Whistlebird, an oriole species maybe? Spot-breasted, Streak-backed?

January 8, 2016 at 10:22 PM delete

Could be... But if I told you 78 days in I lose an edge :) At the end of every month, I will give away a few names to see if it helps. I'll also find more ways to make this interactive as the year goes on and the birding slows down!
