Day 59 - 150th Species

Sunday, February 28, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

 The loon playing the "5" is not a clue... It was from a Canada 150th Anniversary logo.

The slow going of February has continued. Tomorrow I'll write my monthly recap for February, and mostly focus on the slow month it was.  Not a bad thing though.  But before that lets talk about today.  In the past month there have been a handful of species that escaped me.  And this winter we didn't have a single report of a species I have come to expect annually.  This kind of throws a wrench into the gears when you plan and things don't line up.  In the past 10 days though 2 species that became must gets popped up on my radar and eluded me on my first attempt to find them.  So this morning with fingers crossed, and a tank full of gas I set out to see if I could bring them in before they were gone for the year, with no guarantees for the winter that's now just 9 months away.

It didn't take long to track down both--cutting right to the chase in less than 3 hours I had my targets, and as luck would have it I only ran into one birder I knew.  I'm almost hesitant to talk about it, because what if they follow this blog?  I doubt they do, but what if?  Eek.  I guess if this person found out, I actually wouldn't care, I really like them, and I think they would keep my secret for the upcoming 10 months.  So I shared my finds with them, but then, I didn't report them to the local lists or put them in eBird.  It would be too obvious at the moment, and I'm fairly certain several Narnian's are following the blog.  So I apologize for not sharing my sightings, but at the same time, others have reported them in the last week, so I am just a chaser at this point.

One of the birds that had eluded me up till now was the Unscrupulous Marauder.  This darn bird had popped up 3 or 4 times in the past 58 days, and I had tried 3 or 4 times to find it--without luck!  Today I found it lounging right out in the open like it hadn't a care in the world.  I followed this up with a Loud Dancer.  There must have been 7 or 8 reports this winter, and I just hadn't been able to pick one up--until today.  Mission accomplished, with these two birds, I technically don't need to chase any other regular winter visitors to Narnia.  There are still 2 birds I could try to get in the next week.  If that happens the winter was basically a great success.

I'll talk more about misses tomorrow, and the plan for the coming month.  Tomorrow is my extra day for 2016--Leap Day. Can I add a bird on this day that might just be the key to breaking a big year record?  We'll see...

New birds today: 2
Year List: 150


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I'm on a mission to see as many birds as I can in 2016... within the borders of my home state. The only catch is I'm not telling anyone that I'm doing a Big Year...