Day 26 - The Name Game

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 2 Comments A+ a-

I thought I would try to end a couple of zero days with a little luck perhaps.  Things didn't pan out and I spent an hour wandering country roads in hopes that I might turn up one of the residents or overwintering birds I haven't seen yet.  All was quiet though.  I made a few stops to try for another species of Maniac that is spread out sporadically in Narnia.  I've got a reliable location I can go to any time in the next few months, but thought maybe I could find my own at a location they haven't been found before.  Not today.  

Finally I called it and headed back towards civilization.  Although I doubt this zero streak will stretch beyond a day or two more at the most, I can see February bringing a 5+ day stretch unless we get some vagrants to mix things up.  I have no plans to travel to the ends of Narnia in search of the generous bird list still available this time of year.  There are almost no birds I won't have an opportunity to see later.

I decided to dive back into the bird list and see if I could finish naming all of the most likely species to occur here during a year.  Thus far I have done a little bit of name as I go, with a few families, and similar species named ahead of time when I've had an interest too look.  So I played the name game and came up with a few fantastic names.  Here in no particular order are some of my favorites yet to come this year:

Influential Poet, Holy-crap Bird, Superb Candle, Dazzling Endurant, Adorned Bootlegger, Accidental Mystery, American Lounger, Dark Swordsman, Long Whistle, Cookie-bird, Disguised Colorful, and my two favorite but simple names, the Do-you-count-it Bird, and the Worst-bird-ever. 

I'll leave you with those to think on. Happy sleuthing!

New birds today: 0
Year List: 141


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I'm on a mission to see as many birds as I can in 2016... within the borders of my home state. The only catch is I'm not telling anyone that I'm doing a Big Year...


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January 29, 2016 at 9:33 AM delete

Hmm. Worst-bird ever can't be a starling since that's on your list. I'm thinking maybe a cowbird? And do you count-it-bird has to be an introduced. Depending on where you are that could be Mute Swan, a parrot? Ooh, maybe a reintroduction like Whooping Crane or Condor?
